How Industry Leaders Excel at Software Development

How Industry Leaders Excel at Software Development

Today, hundreds of new software startups appear every day around the world. Software development is a trendy business today. According to the Statista website, in almost every sub-segment of the IT services industry, the enterprise software market has seen strong growth in recent years, with market revenues more than doubling in the decade between 2010 and 2020. That’s why top custom software development companies focus their efforts on improving their product as much as possible.

However, to create a durable and good product; IT companies need to develop a plan and strategies and consider the experience of industry leaders.

In general, learning from the mistakes of others is the right approach.

The main theses that you should understand for yourself on the example of industry leaders are:

  •  the need to modernize technologies
  •  using architecture and engineering methods to make work easier
  •  the importance of the maturity of the development organization in attracting and developing talent.

The need to modernize technologies

There are several reasons why choosing the right combination of development tools is critical. Prioritize safety and risk by implementing automated controls throughout the pipeline. Finally, commitment to the business case for cloud adoption is vital.

While development teams are moving to the cloud and strive to adopt modern agile and continuous integration and continuous development (CI/CD) practices, the number of tools available is growing.

For cloud technology to work for your business, business and technology must work together. Creating a sustainable migration to the cloud is necessary to deliver good business results. To achieve this goal, companies are analyzing the impact of the cloud on business performance; from increased agility to speed of innovation. This approach sharply contrasts with framing cloud migration as a technology initiative, with goals for increased infrastructure efficiency. Such tech-focused targets tend to underperform or encounter significant delays as new business initiatives take priority.

Using architecture and engineering methods to make work easier

Implement architectural and engineering practices that support developer work

Architecture and Agile must go hand in hand to achieve results.

A loosely coupled architecture, where different system components are independent of other parts; is critical to realizing the full benefits of Agile Transformation. However, Without it, Software Development and developers will be slowed down by dependencies between teams, the time it takes to stabilize or integrate codebases after development, and a lack of accountability and accountability at the team level.

Another important point that should not be overlooked is the adoption of open source.

Companies that use and contribute to open source can use it as a recruiting tool to attract and retain top talent; Developers value the opportunity to contribute to open source projects because it helps them connect with a broader community of peers, learn the latest technologies, and build their technical reputation.

The importance of the maturity of the development organization in attracting and developing talent.

Companies can attract top talent by highlighting their fundamental value proposition.

Forbes notes that with the automation of functions and the evolution of data-driven business models, roles in companies will change dramatically, skills will have to be adapted, and many new parts will emerge. In the long run, this will affect everyone on your team. Providing the necessary education early on will prove an incredible benefit later on.

Talent is one of the four key business performance factors. Also, Successful companies make technical skills a top management priority and formulate a unique value proposition to attract that talent.


At any point in time, when creating your software development project, it is essential to take into account the experience of successful IT projects. Despite the excellence of these organizations in their field, even they are still struggling to improve their data management security and set up a comprehensive project management function. Also, Tech leaders must build on this knowledge, strike the right balance between standardization and autonomy priorities, and partner with business leaders. First, they should follow the findings and take appropriate actions to develop the developer’s speed. If you also want to start a successful software development project, you can refer to business analysis services at The specialists in this company will help you avoid mistakes that negatively affect your IT business.

Author’s bio: Anastasiia Lastovetska is a technology writer at MLSDev, a software development company that builds web & mobile app solutions from scratch. She researches the area of technology to create great content about app development, UX/UI design, tech & business consulting.

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