The Best Paid Traffic for Affiliate Marketing 2022

The Best Paid Traffic for Affiliate Marketing 2022

Affiliate marketing is a very dynamic tool. What is in store for it in 2022? What do you need to know to choose profitable offers and consistently generate profits? Read our forecast, find out all the details on this site, and always be in profit and stay successful. 


According to Statista, by 2023, 22% of retail sales worldwide will be online. For comparison, in 2019, the share of online sales was only 14.1%. The growing number of online stores continues to promote e-commerce. In addition, mobile versions of markets make online shopping even more accessible and popular. The catalog of affiliate programs will also increase in this area.


Nearly 20% of all people on Earth have ever played gambling. Now, gambling entertainment, such as online casinos and slot machines, is available right on our smartphones. Of course, the number of players is only increasing. Gambling is gradually getting legal status in new GEOs, and in some countries, negotiations are on the way to legalizing gambling. Therefore, it is worth keeping abreast of the latest news and Affiliate Marketing.


Dating offers are consistently popular, and quarantine restrictions have only increased their demand. Even during periods when some countries relax from quarantine, millions of people will still be unvaccinated and have restrictions in normal life. Dating platforms and apps will be in high demand. According to a Technavio report, the online dating service market will grow by approximately $3.56 billion from 2020 to 2024. 

Sports, Beauty, and Health 

The pandemic has proven that health is an important value. Everything related to this topic will continue to be popular: sports topics, vitamins, and supplements. In addition, in Affiliate Marketing standard topics like weight loss and anti-aging creams will be in demand.


During the crisis, many are looking for new opportunities to make money and pay attention to cryptocurrencies. The peak point of the crypto market capitalization in 2021 reached three trillion dollars. Research firm Fast Future says that figure will cost $7.5 trillion in 2022. Now, there are fluctuations in the bitcoin exchange rate, which only increases interest in the topic of cryptocurrencies — many people want to get easy money. 

Paid Subscriptions to Internet Services 

The pandemic also updated the request for entertainment on the Internet. Over the past two years, paid services with movies, music, or mobile applications with advanced features have actively entered the lives of users. People appreciate the convenience and benefits of paid services. 

Draining into paid online services in 2022 is a great idea. According to Statista, in the US, 78% of users use paid subscriptions to watch movies, such as OnlineCinema. Also, live streams are reaching the peak of popularity. 

Last words on Affiliate Marketing:

There are more and more tool options on the market that make work faster and easier. For example, HideLink helps to avoid blocking and earn money on social media. There will also be more tools used to find the right partners, manage campaigns, and optimize settings. The advantages of such tools will make them more and more popular.

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