Involve Asia: A Tech-Based Online Marketing Firm, Everything to Know  

Involve Asia: A Tech-Based Online Marketing Firm, Everything to Know  

Involve Asia is a technical marketing company that provides support to both partners and brands in scaling their online earnings. Brands can team up worldwide with affiliates, content creators, and developers.

Moreover, this platform makes brands digitally successful through creative distribution, ad attribution, and partner workflow management. As of now, thousands of brands use this company in the finance, e-commerce, and travel departments to build partnerships with affiliates, content creators, and developers, driving more than $1 billion in transactions.

What is the origin of Involve Asia?

Involve Asia was established in 2014 and supported by large capital corporations, including Cradle Seed Ventures and 500 Startups OSK Technology Ventures. Most importantly, this company has offices in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Affiliates, developers, and long-tail content creators can access the world’s famous brands with the help of this company. Consequently, their main objective is to get advertising budgets, which are reserved for large digital media authorities. Additionally, they can easily prove their performance credentials by using this firm.

Why Do You Need this marketing company?

Your website will earn strong marketing insights and new income streams with the help of this company. Furthermore, the payment transaction process becomes faster.


There are several advantages users can get from this company.

1.       Monetize your Website

If a user has its own website then he can promote relevant brands on it and generate money for every referral. Similarly, a user can monitor his marketing performance through one significant dashboard. This company makes you able to connect with many partners. This platform makes you able to make revenue through your loyalty, news and blog website. You will find various customizable links from hundreds of brands.

2.       Fast Transaction of Payment

This platform makes the money transaction process fast. You will get your payment within only 15 days after conversions.

3.       Identification of Marketing Insights

You can easily categorise either which product is doing well or which is not. Therefore, you can make a powerful strategy and long-term plan to earn more revenue by using this company.

4.       Help Affiliate Partners

Involve Asia is a convenient and user-friendly platform through which users can search and browse for offers in the dashboard. There are multiple filters available which enable you to promote pertinent offers for your followers.

Help Affiliate Partners

Drawbacks of Involve Asia

There are several drawbacks you face while using this company.

1.       Payment Issues

One of the major drawbacks of this company is its payment problem. Even if you manage to get conversions and significant traffic, it is more likely that you will face payment problems. A user can face a delay problem in the transaction of money. This is considered to be a major drawback of this company

2.       Not Supportive Response

Involve Asia is not serious about its responsive customer support. The money involved therefore, this issue cannot be left behind. You may face delay in supporting responsiveness by this company.

3.       Significance of Due Diligence and Research

This marketing company does not give importance to the dueligence in affiliate marketing. It is very difficult for users to digest this issue without resolving it. Moreover, this marketeing firm does not pay attention to the track record and reputation of any affiliate marketing. Consequently, users want this company to pay some respect to the resources and precious time of customers.

How to Login on this platform

People want to know ‘’how affiliates and content creators earn money by online advertisements of their favourite brands’’? The answer to the question is that you should join this marketing firm as a partner. This will lead you to generate affiliate links. This is how you can generate revenue online. However, you must keep these 4 steps in mind which are below.

Step One: Login as a Partner

The first criteria to use this marketing firm is to join it by creating your personal account. After that, you will find a page incorporating a series of queries regarding your online assets.

Step One: Login as a Partner

Step Two: Provide Your Account’s Requirements

You must provide all required details about your account. This includes your name, email address, login password and company’s name.

Step Three: Provide Your Property Data

People feel confused to understand the information this marketing firm wants you to provide. Here, property means that you should provide your social media, website or blog profile that you own nowadays. We want you to go through some examples and definitions that will be highlighted below.

Required Details of AccountWhat does it mean
Category of PropertyNiche (specialisation) or your topic
Type of propertyHow can you earn more followers?
Promotion Page/Social Media Promotion URLYour social media profile or website link

Step Four: Login Your Account

First of all, you must press ‘’OK’’ to agree to the terms & conditions. Now you are able to create your personal account. You should wait for a while unless an account manager approves your application. It can take a minimum 2 to 3 working days. When your application is approved then you will be receiving an email from Involve Asia. However, this marketing firm will send you an SMS that you are registered as a partner on our platform. Congratulations, this marketing firm will go through your application and it will take at least 1 to 3 working days.

Step Four: Login Your Account

Best Possible Alternatives of this platform

There are several possible alternatives available that users can join to earn profitable growth. These alternatives include, PartnerStack, G2 Track, ZINFI, Everflow, Voluum, Post Affiliate Pro, Tune, Partnerize, Awin and Brandbassador.


Involve Asia is a great platform through which corporations can partner with content creators, affiliates and developers. Most importantly, they can earn more revenue by approaching skillful people relating to their respective fields. There are many advantages and disadvantages of This company. On the contrary, people can easily find some effective alternatives to replace this marketing firm.

This company is providing its services in many countries across the world. Furthermore, This company has its offices in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Similarly, you have to create an account before getting services from this marketing firm.

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