4 Well-known Misconceptions About Keywords in SEO

4 Well-known Misconceptions About Keywords in SEO

Misconceptions About Keywords. Aim for quality more than keywords, Keyword stuffing will make search engines delete you from their database, Placing keywords in footers, You can create your keywords.

Starting a website for your business is always an exciting experience, especially if it is your first time owning the website. You hired the best programmer and designer to make your website look appealing and functional. However, you still have to develop some content if you want to reach out to the right users. 

Once you start creating content, you have to know that there is more to it than just writing high-quality ones. You also have to conduct keyword research and more because it will help users find you when they look for you in search engines. If you want to understand keywords better, it is best to learn more about their several misconceptions. 

Misconceptions 1 About Keywords: Aim for quality more than keywords

You should know that your content will never get ranked high in search engine results if you fail to incorporate keywords. It will not matter if you hire the best writer to create high-quality content if they do not place keywords. As mentioned before, keywords are important because it helps users find your website in a sea of competitors. 

Do not let other competitors get ahead of you in search engine rankings because you need those website visits from your users. You also have to research which keywords are being searched by users most of the time to include them in your content. Make sure that the keyword you search is relevant to your website. 

Misconception #2: Keyword stuffing will make search engines delete you from their database

Another myth that some website owners believe up to this day is that search engines like Google will delist your website if you fill it with too many keywords. You can find that it is not true because they will only move it back to the following pages. Users can still find you, but only if they keep clicking on the next pages; which is almost impossible for people nowadays. This one is the biggest Misconceptions About Keywords that everybody knows.

Although, there is an exception when you can stuff in multiple keywords; which only happens when you have a long piece of high-quality content. If you plan on stuffing keywords in your content, make sure that you use relevant ones and place quality links. And as always, keyword research is crucial if you want to add the ones that will bring in website traffic. 

Misconception #3: Placing keywords in footers

You may have heard people telling you to place keywords in footers because it can help boost your website rankings. It may have helped them years ago, but it will not boost your search engine rankings nowadays. The only time that the stuffed keyword in the footer will work is when it has a copyright date before they added new text. 

Misconceptions 4 About Keywords: You can create your keywords

If it is your first time utilizing SEO, you have to understand that users use specific keywords on average. It is one reason you have to do keyword research; because creating them on your own will not guarantee you website visits and traffic. You should always have a team of SEO experts; that can find the best keywords to use for your website and place them on your content. 

Researching keywords is also the best method for finding out what makes your competitors gain more website traffic than yours. 

Keywords always matter when it comes to SEO, so you should never leave it out in your content. 

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