CBD Oil for Dogs: How It Works, Dosing and Safety

CBD Oil for Dogs: How It Works, Dosing and Safety

What Can CBD Oil Do For Your Dog? Is it safe to use CBD Oil for your Dogs? Cannabidiol is popularly referred to as CBD. It is a beneficial substance extracted from the cannabis plant especially hemp. It has a variety of uses for humans as well as animals and can be made into several products when extracted.

One of these is CBD for dogs. Other common products include capsules and pills, chews, treats, rubs, balms, and sprays. Although anyone of these can be used for your pet, the most effective is CBD oil.

Dogs are lovely, friendly, and loyal creatures. They are the most domesticated animals and thus you would find them around humans often. You will find them in most homes and human communities.

Dogs like any other pet need attention and to be taken care of. You need to give them the right diet, groom them, and of course administer age-appropriate medications to them. Doing this is important because as they grow old, they become susceptible to various kinds of sicknesses and diseases.

Regularly administering cannabidiol to them will help to prevent them from coming down with these diseases. If you have not been administering it and they fall ill, cannabidiol can be used to help restore them to health.

Why CBD Oil for Dogs is Effective

Cannabidiol is just one of the many cannabinoids and other substances found in hemp. It contains several beneficial substances as well as vitamins and nutrients. These include substances like terpenes, essential oils, flavonoids, and omega fatty acids.

The nutrients contained therein include vitamins A, B complex, C, D, and E. It also contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, and many more. All of these nutrients are needed by your dog to remain healthy and strong.

Asides from containing these nutrients, cannabidiol also interacts with the endocannabinoid system which is popularly known as ECS. The ECS is a system that regulates and balances the bodily activities of mammals which include humans and animals.

The ECS coordinates activities such as helping your dog to have an appetite for food, enabling sleep, metabolism, and other important activities. Furthermore, it strengthens the immune system, the cardiovascular system as well as central nervous system.

The ECS produces natural cannabinoids and enzymes which enables it in its function. Without these substances, the system becomes non-functional and that is when the body breaks down and gives way to sicknesses.

Fortunately, by using cannabidiol which is an external cannabinoid, things can be restored to normal. The ECS contains cannabinoid receptors that transport cannabinoids to the cells.

These receptors cannot differentiate between natural cannabinoids produced in the ECS and the external ones in form of CBD. The most important thing though is that the body begins to function as it should when it is used. You may read more on the ECS in this article.

What Can CBD Oil Do For Your Dogs?

Cannabidiol supports your pet’s brain, boosts its immune system and cardiovascular system, and strengthens its metabolism. It provides a calming effect and helps to relieve anxiety, depression as well as stress. This means your dog can sleep soundly.

CBD oil ensures that your dog’s coat, nails, and skin are healthy. In older dogs, it helps to manage soreness, arthritis, pain as well as inflammation. Asides from all of these, it may be used to treat most canine diseases and generally to keep dogs healthy.

CBD Oil for Dogs Dosage

There are no particular dosages for using cannabidiol. The dosage to use differ from dog to dog and is based on various factors. These include your pet’s age, size, weight, and the reason for its use. It, therefore, means that you have to check your pet’s weight regularly and increase the dosage as it grows in size.

Most suppliers of cannabidiol will typically provide you with a dosing guideline. You can as well find dosages charts and calculators online that you can use as a guide. When using for the first time, it is advisable to start with small doses. You can then increase this as your pets get accustomed to it.

The weight of the dog and the ailment to be treated will determine the strength of the dose to be administered. This can be a regular or strong dose and it is advisable to give cannabidiol to your dog as part of its daily routine. This helps to stave off diseases.

CBD Oil Safety

Cannabidiol is safe for your dog and will not harm it in any way. It is however important to note that you must buy a high-quality product from a trusted seller.

Also, you should understand that when giving it to your dog for the first time you may notice some mild symptoms. These can include things such as lethargy, a lack of appetite, drowsiness, etc. Thankfully all these symptoms will disappear within a few days as your pet gets accustomed to using cannabidiol.

Furthermore, your dog will not get intoxicated nor high using cannabidiol. This is because it typically contains none or low levels of THC. THC is also a cannabinoid and it is the substance that makes cannabis intoxicating.

CBD oil for dogs is made from hemp which contains low levels of THC. It may even be grown in a way that it does not contain THC at all. This makes it quite safe to use for your pet.

If you are still worried, you should understand that cannabidiol products can only contain a maximum of 0.3% THC. This is not enough to get your pet or any user for that matter high.


CBD oil for dogs is a potent substance that benefits your pet in a lot of ways. It is safe and effective but you have to ensure that you buy yours from a reputable source.

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