8 Reasons Why English Is Simple to Learn Online

8 Reasons Why English Is Simple to Learn Online

Do you want to learn English but without the stress and hassle of having to travel from your home to find a teacher or a decent school? It may surprise you to know that you actually don’t have to leave your home at all, not even for a moment! 

That’s right, with the world at your fingertips now more than ever, it has become possible to learn English to a very high standard through the miracle of online learning. Don’t be fooled into thinking that online classes are dull and lacking in interest either, as you will find this not to be the case. Join us as we look at 8 reasons why English is simple to learn online.

1) There are literally thousands of teachers to choose from.

You won’t even have to join up to an expensive course or online school to get started: plenty of teachers operate on their own time, independently. This means that you can often find the highest calibre teachers in unexpected places, operating for a cheaper price. Looking on forums can be a good place to start, with websites like Cambly providing a good stepping stone from casual learning into something more structured.

2) Even young kids can learn online.

Thinking that you would have to be over a certain age to be able to benefit from looking at a screen to learn English? Wrong! Teaching online has been perfected into a fine art and there are many teachers who are able to teach your young ones. Classes can start from as young as 3 years old and typically include short activities, lots of singing, toys and games to catch your child’s imagination and keep them engaged. 

3) The young at heart can also find a style to suit them too!

Are you worried that the online classrooms will be complicated and the technology inaccessible for someone without much experience using computers? This is not the case! Learn Online and classroom software is intuitive and generally requires little input from you, with the teacher taking the lead and guiding you through, so don’t worry! 

4) A typical lesson format isn’t the only option.

If the idea of going back to those classroom days fills you with dread, put your mind at ease. You can choose to have lessons based around casual conversation, working through topics each week. If the idea of the traditional lesson format feels like something you want, great! That is still very much an option, and teachers offer this style and more often than not, with a modern twist. This helps take your lessons from dull exercises into fresh and exciting materials designed to bring out your best!

5) It can be cheap!

Thankfully expensive lessons are a thing of the past. As Learn Online has become more and more common, the prices have become more and more accessible too. Prices can start as low as $10 per hour, especially since China made sweeping changes to its online English teaching industry meaning there really is an option for everyone.

6) Internet problems need bother you no longer.

With the advent of 4G now covering the bulk of the world, communication has never been easier. This applies to your English lessons too! Whereas 3G coverage struggles to support video calls, 4G has the capacity to cope, making online learning face-to-face a real possibility.

7) No schedule, no problem.

Perhaps you were thinking that if you want to learn any language, you’d need to choose a regular weekly time and teacher in order to make any real progress. Although being able to keep up regular learning will certainly give you those good habits which encourage learning over the longer term, you can also dip in and out as your own busy schedule allows. Taking one lesson every few weeks is just as possible as keeping to a regular learning routine.

8) Excellent materials made especially for online learning.

The days of boring lessons spent repeating phrases back to the teacher are over. Packages of lessons with varied and interesting learning methodologies built in are now the norm in online teaching, so you can wave goodbye to worries of fusty textbook and worksheet based lessons for good!

So you see how fun, engaging and simple learning English online can be. It really is an interactive and exciting experience, with the added bonus of leaving you able to communicate in a new global language! The possibilities for you will be endless once you take the step into online English learning. So what are you waiting for?!

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